Owner’s Manual
MusicLites ML-1 and Accessories
MPE Reminding
1. The installed antennas must not be located in a manner that allows exposure of the general populaꢀon at a
distance of less than 20cm.
2. Mount the antennas in a manner that prevents any personnel from entering the area within 20cm from the
central posiꢀon of the antenna.
To saꢀsfy FCC RF exposure requirements, a separaꢀon distance of 20 cm or more should be maintained
between this device and persons during device operaꢀon.
To ensure compliance, operaꢀons at closer than this distance is not recommended. The antenna used for this
transmiꢁer must not be co-located in conjuncꢀon with any other antenna or transmiꢁer.
To avoid injury and/or property and product damage:
• Do not install this product anywhere it may be in direct contact with water or exposed to rain or moisture.
• Keep remote control, baꢁeries, included scredriver and other small devices away from children.
• Do not use or install this product outdoors.
• Clean this product only with power disconnected and only with a clean, dry cloth.
• Only install this product in fixtures that can sturdily support weights of at least 1.5lbs (681 g).
• Use proper and safe bodily support when installing product in high locaꢀons.
• Use only in fixtures rated for the appropriate lamp waꢁage.
• Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
To avoid damage by possible fire:
• Do not block product’s venꢀlaꢀon openings.
• Do not install near heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves or other heat-generaꢀng appliances.
• This product is not intended for use in emergency light fixtures or exit signs.
• Use only accessories specified by the manufacturer.
• To prevent early lamp failure, lamp should only be installed in operaꢀng environments ranging between -40
degrees Fahrenheit and +113 degrees Farenheit (-40 degrees Celcius and +45 degrees Celcius).
Trademark Noꢀce
• MusicLites is a registered trademark of ARTISON, LLC.
• Toslink is a registered trademark of Toshiba, Corp.
• ARTISON is a registered trademark of ARTISON, LLC.
• Chrisꢀe Designs is a registered trademark of Cary Chrisꢀe
• SYLVANIA is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA INC.
• iPod, iPhone, and iPad are trademarks of Apple, Inc.,
registered in the U.S. and other countries
“Made for iPod,” “Made for iPhone,” and “Made for iPad” mean that an electronic accessory has been
designed to connect specifically to iPod, iPhone, or iPad, respecꢀvely, and has been cerꢀfied by the developer
to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operaꢀon of this device or its
compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod, iPhone,
or iPad may affect wireless performance.
About MusicLites
OSRAM SYLVANIA, North America’s number one lighꢀng company, and ARTISON, a leading innovator of high
end audio technology, have partnered to bring to market MusicLites®, a first of its kind wireless light and
speaker combinaꢀon. This ground breaking new product fits most exisꢀng lighꢀng fixtures and provides some
of the most cuꢂng edge lighꢀng and high fidelity audio available today.
The MusicLites’ design combines an efficient 500 lumen LED light, a 70-millimeter full range high fidelity
loudspeaker and a wireless audio receiver in a module that is compaꢀble with any audio source. MusicLites
fits into four-, five- or six-inch recessed cans, providing light output equivalent to a 65-waꢁ reflector bulb.
The audio signal is transmiꢁed via a proprietary 2.4 GHz wireless transceiver and works with various audio
sources, such as USB, smartphone, and portable audio devices, providing limitless light and audio distribuꢀon
throughout any environment.
Perfect applicaꢀons include bar areas, bathrooms, hallways, or any other area where you want audio but don’t
currently have it. Your MusicLites system can be set up for mulꢀple zones and to play mulꢀple sources.
OSRAM SYLVANIA is proud of its long-standing reputaꢀon of providing soluꢀons in homes, businesses and
insꢀtuꢀons, automobiles and a broad range of specialty applicaꢀons. In fact, it has been doing that since
1901. Over the years, the company has changed to reflect the markets it serves and the customers it reaches.
Through this ꢀme of change and discovery, one thing has remained constant - a belief that the ideas produced
can make a difference in every person’s life and that the products created reflect a commitment to making the
world more comfortable, more producꢀve and more imaginaꢀve. At OSRAM SYLVANIA, “We make beꢁer light
for beꢁer living.”
Arꢀson was founded in 2003 and has since been commiꢁed to the development of leading edge technology,
lifestyle-enhancing home entertainment soluꢀons. Led by renowned speaker designer Cary Chrisꢀe, Arꢀson
conꢀnues to demonstrate its experꢀse with technological innovaꢀons and advancements that enhance
consumers’ home audio and video enjoyment that deliver a unique Total Involvement Experience™.
To our Customers:
Thank you for purchasing MusicLites. Your MusicLites system is very powerful with many features that make it
quite dynamic and flexible for your use. For instance:
• You can operate up to 3 different source devices simultaneously.
• You can have up to 5 zones per house; all zones can be operated idenꢀcally if desired.
• You can operate up to 12 MusicLites within a zone.
• MusicLites communicate to each other within a zone through RF to make sure light levels, volume
levels and source are all kept in synchronizaꢀon.
• MusicLites have superior audio quality with enhanced bass.
• Each MusicLites provides 500 lumens of warm, pleasing light that is fully dimmable with the ML
Please take a few moments to learn how to properly install and operate your new MusicLites; set-up channels,
zones and sources to make the most of your environment. Discover all that MusicLites can do for your space.
Be sure to keep this guide for your future reference. For addiꢀonal informaꢀon, including sales policies, please
In order to establish the date of purchase of your MusicLites product and to provide important informaꢀon
about your MusicLites experience, please mail in the Warranty Registraꢀon Card or fill in an electronic version
at www.musiclites.com. Please file the Warranty Registraꢀon Card within 10 days to assure future service.
For service informaꢀon, please call the MusicLites Hotline at 877-757-5001. You will need to file the Warranty
Registraꢀon Card or to present the original bill of sale to establish the date of purchase.
For the purposes of this manual each reference to one MusicLites module will be referred to as ‘ML’ and
mulꢀple units as ‘MLs’.
Table of Contents
House Codes
Zone Programming
Audio Mode Set-Up
Seꢂng Up the Sources
Understanding Wireless Networks
Using the Remote
MusicLites Module
USB Transmiꢁer
Transmiꢁer for iPod®/iPhone®/iTouch®
Universal Transmiꢁer
Other Accessories
House Codes
What are they and why do we need them?
House codes are used to set up a proprietary network for MusicLites in your home, apartment or office to
prevent other MusicLites transmiꢁers and remotes operated by your neighbors from affecꢀng your ML’s
operaꢀon or from yours affecꢀng others.
How does the code get set?
All MLs, transmiꢁers and remotes will have a mechanical dial (see FIGURES 1, 2 and 3). They will have a default
seꢂng of 0. If you live in a rural area, or if there is enough space between your dwelling and your closest
neighbor, you can leave on the default seꢂng and not do anything.
What are my opꢀons?
If you choose to change your house code, you can turn the dial to any of 0-9 possible codes. You should do this
with each ML, transmiꢁer and remote prior to installing the MLs. You can use the included screwdriver and
you will feel a mechanical click as you turn the dial for each number. Remember, ALL MLs, transmiꢁers and
remotes must be set to the same house code or they will not work together. Once done, there is very liꢁle
chance of your system affecꢀng another, or vice versa. If you do experience a problem, you may need to reset
the house code to another number.
Zone Programming
What is a zone?
A zone is a grouping of 1 or more MLs where you want the lighꢀng and the audio source to behave in
synchronizaꢀon. Typically, you would want all the MLs in a room to have the same light levels and play from
the same audio source. For instance, you may want to have your family room and kitchen play from your
television, but you may want the lights to be at different levels. In that instance, the rooms should be set up as
different zones.
How many zones can I have in my ‘house’?
You can have 5 zones in a house. Your MLs also have the capability of playing the same source through all
zones with a single buꢁon press.
What if I want more than 5 zones?
You can set up a second house code and repeat up to 5 new zones with each new house code.
How many MusicLites can be installed in 1 zone?
You can have up to 12 in each zone.
How can I synchronize all MLs in all zones of the house to the same source?
By pressing the AZ (All Zone) buꢁon followed by S1, S2 or S3 on the remote, you can send the audio from the
selected source to all acꢀve MLs, regardless of zone.
How do I set the zones?
There is a dial located on the back of the ML (see FIGURE 4). It is labeled Zone with the opꢀon to set your
product in zone 1-5. The default is zone 1. Simply rotate the dial to the seꢂng you want. All the MLs set for a
specific zone will work as a system.
By using your remote control, you can adjust volume, light levels and the source within a zone. You simply
hit the buꢁon on the remote corresponding to the zone you want to control and then use the keys to adjust
the funcꢀon. The remote uses line-of-sight IR (infrared) technology. Once one ML receives the IR signal, it
communicates using RF (radio frequency) to all MLs in that zone. So, if you have MLs in two rooms with the
same zone, and you dim the light in one room, the other room will dim as well. If you do not want that to
happen, you should change one of the rooms to another zone.
The remote can be used by zone (make note of zone locaꢀons on the supplied zone locaꢀon sꢀcker included
to aꢁach to to your remote). If you only have MLs set for one zone, you should never have to hit the zone
buꢁons on the remote. However, if the MLs are not obeying the commands from the remote, you will want to
press the zone buꢁon (likely to be zone 1) and then try the desired commands again.
Audio Mode Set-Up
Why do I have to set up my speaker?
MLs can be set to leſt channel, right channel or leſt+right. Typically, you will want to operate an independent
leſt and right speaker for a stereo effect. In some instances, you may want to have all of them on leſt+right.
This is personal preference and dependent on placement and acousꢀcs in the room you are placing these. The
default seꢂng for MLs is leſt+right speaker. If you want to keep that seꢂng no steps are needed.
How do I adjust the audio mode?
There is a switch located on the back of the MLs (see FIGURE 5). It is labeled Audio Mode. It will be set to
leſt+right. Simply slide the switch to the seꢂng you want.
When do I set up the MusicLites as Leſt or Right?
For each room (or zone) that you choose to place MLs, you should determine the speaker seꢂngs prior to
screwing in the MLs. If, aſter listening to the MusicLites, you choose to relocate or change the seꢂngs, turn off
power to the ML, unscrew it and change the audio seꢂngs.
When do I set up the MusicLites as Leſt + Right?
It is a maꢁer of preference, but if you are only operaꢀng 1 ML in a zone, you should pick leſt+right channel to
get a full audio output. In transient areas, such as hallways, restrooms, etc., you should also consider leſt+right.
Choose to create a leſt channel and right channel separately if you are operaꢀng mulꢀple MLs in a space and
where you can appreciate the dynamic quality of the separate channels working together.
Seꢁng Up the Sources
What is a source?
A source is any audio storage device that can provide output. Sources include, but are not limited to,
smartphones, iPods®, iPhones®, iPads®, A/V receivers, televisions, radios, computers and MP3 players. In order
for a source to play through the MusicLites speakers, you will need a transmiꢁer plugged into the device.
There are 3 transmiꢁers (sources) available for MusicLites:
• Transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iPad
• USB Transmiꢁer
• Universal Transmiꢁer
Each transmiꢁer can only be connected to one source at a ꢀme. The source is indicated by a mechanical switch
on the side that shows which of three possible opꢀons, S1, S2 or S3 is selected (see FIGURE 6). Source 1 is
the default. Transmiꢁers are independent of the device being transmiꢁed from. That means you can unplug
the transmiꢁer from that device and plug into another, as long as there is a way to connect. You can have up
to 3 transmiꢁers acꢀve at one ꢀme. If you have 3 transmiꢁers connected to devices playing simultaneously,
you can use the remote control, by zone, to toggle between sources S1, S2 and S3. If you are using mulꢀple
transmiꢁers, it is important that you make sure that each is transmiꢂng as a different source number- 1, 2 or
3. Two transmiꢁers playing simultaneously on the same source number will not work.
How do the sources work?
Once you aꢁach a transmiꢁer to an audio device, the transmiꢁer interprets the signal and transmits it
wirelessly. If the transmiꢁer is set as the first source (S1), all MLs set to pick up S1 will play from that
transmiꢁer as long as they are turned on and within range.
How long does it take the MLs to receive and process a command?
Depending on the configuraꢀon and number of MLs in your home, you may need to allow 3 - 6 seconds aſter
pressing a S1, S2 or S3 to allow all MLs to receive and respond to that command.
How many sources can I have per zone?
Each zone can only play one source at a ꢀme. However, you can switch between the 3 sources (S1, S2, S3) in a
house. Sources can take the form of any number of devices as they are independent from the transmiꢁer. You
do not have to buy separate transmiꢁers for each device unless you want to play them all simultaneously in
different zones.
Understanding Wireless Networks
MusicLites operate in the 2.4 GHz RF (Radio Frequency) bandwidth. This is the same range as other wireless
devices like wireless internet routers, cordless telephones and Bluetooth devices. There is limited bandwidth
available and this could affect the operaꢀon of MusicLites.
What does this mean for MusicLites?
The transmiꢁers for MusicLites look for open space in the bandwidth. However, if you operate other RF devices
in the 2.4 GHz range, it may limit the number of transmiꢁers you can operate simultaneously.
How do I know when there is a problem?
MusicLites will conꢀnue to operate in the crowded RF environment. However, since other devices may be using
the same frequency, response can be choppy. This will happen to ALL of your home devices, however since
MusicLites is playing audio, the choppiness in the signal will be noꢀceable.
What should I do if I encounter the problem?
If you experience choppiness, it is a sign that you don’t have any more bandwidth available for conꢀnuous
signal to the MusicLites. Disconnecꢀng one or more devices should recꢀfy the problem.
Can I do anything to prevent this from occurring?
MusicLites has the ability to operate 3 transmiꢁers as different sources (S1, S2 and S3) simultaneously.
However, if you have a wireless router in your house, you should limit yourself to having 2 transmiꢁers in
operaꢀon at any given ꢀme.
Using the Remote
How do I use zones to select source?
Select the desired zone by pressing Z1-Z5 or AZ for all zones. There is a user applied sꢀcker that can be
aꢁached to your remote to record which rooms are set for which zones. Then select a source: S1, S2 or S3 (see
How do I use zones to adjust light or volume?
Select the desired zone by pressing Z1-Z5 or AZ for all zones. Then, to adjust audio press +, - or mute. For
lighꢀng press +, - or on/off (see FIGURE 7).
NOTE: You must set the House Code dial prior to first use to match the MusicLites and transmiꢁers (see
How do I replace the baꢂery in my remote?
To replace the baꢁery, flip the remote to the back side, depress the latch on the baꢁery access tray and pull
the tray to slide open, exposing the baꢁery. Take note of the “+” indicator facing up on the tray. Remove the
current baꢁery and replace with a new standard CR2025 lithium coin baꢁery. Be sure the “+” indicator is
facing up on both the tray and the baꢁery itself. Carefully slide the tray back into the remote housing unꢀl you
hear a click. You are now ready to use your remote.
House Code
What is the range of my transmiꢂer?
Transmiꢁer range is 61m [200 ſt] line of sight or 15m [50 ſt] through tradiꢀonal internal structures. Indoor
range will vary depending on obstrucꢀons. Transmiꢁer range may be reduced by metal structures and
transmiꢁer baꢁery strength (Transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iPad only).
How can I improve the range of my Transmiꢂer?
Transmiꢁer range can be improved by minimizing the obstrucꢀons between the transmiꢁer and the
MusicLites. If you are using the MusicLites transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iPad be sure that the included
rechargeable baꢁery was recently charged.
How Close can I have my source transmiꢂers to each other?
The recommended minimum distance between MusicLites source transmiꢁers is 30 cm [12 in].
What is the range of my remote control?
Your IR remote control must have a line of sight with at least 1 ML in a zone in order to funcꢀon. Once 1 ML
receives a signal from a remote, it will communicate via RF to the other MLs on that zone to keep all the MLs
in that zone operaꢀng at the same light and audio volume levels. MLs will only communicate to other MLs
assigned to the same zone.
MusicLites Module
(Part number 72284)
What comes with the MusicLites module?
• 1 ML Loudspeaker with Light
• Owner’s Manual
• Instrucꢀons for first ꢀme set-up
• Screwdriver
What does the MusicLites module do?
The MusicLites modules combine light and audio into an experience that must be seen and heard to be
believed. In order to use, you will need to purchase one of the 3 transmiꢁers available.
How does the MusicLites module work?
Before you screw the MLs into the socket, make sure to set up the house code, zones and channels from
the rear of each unit:
a. Set up the house codes- Make sure the house code is set to the proper code (default is 0). If
not, take the screwdriver provided and turn to the correct house code. All MLs must be set to
the same house code as must all transmiꢁers and remote controls in order to work as one
b. Set up the zones- If you are puꢂng in mulꢀple zones, you should plan out how many MLs
are in each zone (up to 12) and to mark the zones on the back of each remote control to make
sure you remember which zone you are controlling. The default seꢂng is zone 1. If you are only
puꢂng in 1 zone, then leave as set up from the factory.
c. Set up the audio channels- Determine which MLs are leſt speakers, right speakers or operaꢀng
as both leſt and right speakers. Refer to page 5.
(2) Once you have the MLs switches in the correct posiꢀons, install the units in the fixtures according to
those seꢂngs. Mixing two zones in the same room may cause a lot of confusion.
(3) Turn the MLs on at the wall switch and make sure the light is working. If the light comes on, you are ready
to play.
(4) To synchronize with an audio source, press the zone buꢁon on the remote corresponding to the zone you
want to control. Then press the S1, S2 or S3 buꢁon on the remote corresponding to the transmiꢁer you
want to play.
NOTE: To check on the source being received properly, you can turn the light off with the remote. Then,
press the correct source buꢁon. If you press S1, the blue light on the ML should blink once before going
(5) Provided the source device is on and funcꢀoning and that the sources are in synchronizaꢀon, you should
hear the speakers playing. If not, you will need to work through troubleshooꢀng steps. You can find these
You should be able to control the light levels and the audio volume through the remote control. If you
are operaꢀng on a wall dimmer, the MusicLites will not dim from the dimmer. It will dim from the remote
NOTE: MusicLites has not been designed to work on a wall dimmer and is therefore not recommended
for use in those applicaꢀons. However, in most instances MusicLites will conꢀnue to operate on dimmers,
but may not dim with the other lights on the circuit.
MusicLites will not operate if there is no power being applied, but you can turn lights off with the remote
control without affecꢀng the audio output.
Your IR remote control must have a line of sight with at least 1 ML on a zone in order to funcꢀon. Once 1
ML receives a signal from a remote, it will communicate via RF to the other MLs on that zone to keep all
the MLs in that zone operaꢀng at the same light and audio volume levels. MLs will only communicate to
other MLs in the same zone.
You can repeat this process for each zone using the remote. You can have up to 3 sources acꢀve at any
ꢀme and you can have any of them playing on any of the zones. You can listen to your receiver in your liv-
ing room and kitchen, while enjoying your iPhone in your bedroom and your computer in the family room
and basement.
USB Transmiꢂer
(Part number 72468)
What comes with the transmiꢂer?
• USB transmiꢁer
• Remote control
• Easy Installaꢀon Guide
What does the USB Transmiꢂer do?
By plugging the USB transmiꢁer into a computer you can play audio from that device and have it output to the
How does the USB Transmiꢂer work?
Make sure the house code is set to the proper code (default is 0). If not, take the screwdriver provided and
turn to the correct house code.
Decide what source you want it to play. There is a sliding switch with 3 posiꢀons on the side of the
transmiꢁer. Slide it to S1, S2 or S3.
Plug the USB into the proper port in a computer or similar device. If the computer is turned on, a red light
indicator on the top side of the transmiꢁer should light up.
Make sure the MLs that you want to play are turned on (see ML set-up secꢀon for details). Use the remote
to make sure the MLs are looking to play from the source 1, 2 or 3 you picked (again, check the ML set-up
secꢀon for how to do this).
Make sure the device (ie. computer) recognizes the transmiꢁer. Once it does, start up your media player.
Pick something with audio to play and start it. The light on the transmiꢁer should begin to blink between
red and blue as it searches for synchronizaꢀon with the MLs.
When synchronizaꢀon is made, the light will be blue. The MLs will also have a blue light that will light
up momentarily as it receives the signal. The MLs should begin playing. You can use your computer to
set audio levels for the MLs. It should not be necessary to adjust bass, treble, etc., and you will want to
remove any exisꢀng EQ or tone seꢂngs. If synchronizaꢀon is not made, check your sources to make sure
the MLs and the transmiꢁer are set for the same source; your computer should not be set on mute. Be
certain the MLs were not inadvertently muted from the remote control.
You should now be able to control the ML volume with both the computer and the remote control. If you
would like to use only one device to control audio volume, turn the volume to the highest seꢂngs on the
device you do not want to use. This will give you full audio range. For instance, turning your computer vol-
ume to 100% will allow the MusicLites remote to control volume for the full capability of the MLs and your
Transmiꢂer for iPod/iPhone/iPad
(Part number 72469)
What comes with the transmiꢂer?
• Transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iPad with rechargeable baꢁery included
• AC adapter with cord and DC Output
• Remote control
• Easy Installaꢀon Guide
What does the Transmiꢂer for iPod/iPhone/iPad do?
By plugging the Transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iPad into the 30-pin connector slot on your Apple device, you can
play audio from that device and have it output to the MLs.
How does the Transmiꢂer for iPod/iPhone/iPad work?
Make sure the house code is set to the proper code (default is 0). If not, take the screwdriver provided
and turn to the correct house code.
Decide what source you want it to play. There is a sliding switch with 3 posiꢀons on the side of the
transmiꢁer. Slide it to S1, S2 or S3.
Plug the Transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iTouch into your Apple device. If the device is turned on, a red light
indicator on the top side of the transmiꢁer will light up.
The Transmiꢁer for iPod/iPhone/iTouch has a baꢁery inside so you can operate with your Apple device
unaꢁached to a power adapter. It also comes with a wall adapter so you can be charging while operaꢀng
the tandem devices. The charging will alternate between the Apple device and the transmiꢁer unꢀl they
are both at full baꢁery power.
Make sure the MLs that you want to play are turned on (see ML set-up secꢀon for details). Use the
remote to make sure the MLs are looking to play from the source 1, 2 or 3 you picked (again, check the
ML set-up secꢀon for how to do this).
Pick something with audio to play and start it. The light on the transmiꢁer should begin to blink between
red and blue as it searches for synchronizaꢀon with the MLs.
When synchronizaꢀon is made, the light will be blue. The MLs will also have a blue light that will light
up momentarily as it receives the signal. The MLs should begin playing. You will not be able to use your
Apple device seꢂngs to set audio levels for the MLs through use of the 30-Pin connector. It should not
be neccessary to adjust bass, treble, etc., and you will want to remove any exisꢀng EQ or tone seꢂngs. If
synchronizaꢀon is not made, check your sources to make sure the MLs and the transmiꢁer are set for the
same source; your Apple device should not be set on mute. Be certain the MLs were not inadvertently
muted from the remote control.
Universal Transmiꢂer
(Part number 72287)
What comes with the transmiꢂer?
• Universal Transmiꢁer
• AC adapter with cord and DC Output
• Cable with 3.5mm mini-jacks on each end
• Remote control
• Easy Installaꢀon Guide
What does the Universal Transmiꢂer do?
The Universal transmiꢁer is a versaꢀle device that has two audio inputs:
a. 3.5mm mini-jack connector (will work with the headphone jack output of computers, smartphones,
Apple devices, MP3 players, etc.). There are cables available with mini- jack on one end and leſt and
right RCA on the other for use with televisions or stereos.
b. Toslink opꢀcal cable for use with a television, CD player, A/V reciever or other digital source.
How does the Universal Transmiꢂer work with a computer, MP3 player, Apple device or other audio storage
device with a mini-stereophone jack?
(1) Make sure the house code is set to the proper code (default is 0). If not, take the screwdriver provided
and turn to the correct house code.
(2) Decide what source you want it to play. There is a sliding switch with 3 posiꢀons on the side of the
transmiꢁer. Slide it to S1, S2 or S3.
(3) Plug one end of the AC power adapter provided into the DC port of the Toslink and the other end into the
wall outlet. The Universal Transmiꢁer will not work without power. The red indicator should light up to
indicate that power is established. Then connect the cable provided into the line in port of the Toslink and
connect to the device you want to play (MP3, iPod, computer, etc.).
(4) Make sure the MLs that you want to play are turned on (see ML set-up secꢀon for details). Use the
remote to make sure the MLs are looking to play from the source 1, 2 or 3 you picked (again, check the
ML set-up secꢀon for how to do this).
(5) There should be no need to check your output device since the connector of the mini-jack plugged into
your device will automaꢀcally divert the audio signal to the transmiꢁer. If it doesn’t, check to make sure
every connecꢀon is ꢀght.
(6) Pick something with audio to play and start it. The light on the transmiꢁer should begin to blink between
red and blue as it searches for synchronizaꢀon with the MLs.
(7) When synchronizaꢀon is made, the light will be blue. The MLs will also have a blue light that will light up
momentarily as it receives the signal. The MLs should begin playing. You can use your device to set audio
levels for the MLs. It should not be necessary to adjust bass, treble, etc., and you will want to remove any
exisꢀng EQ or tone seꢂngs. If synchronizaꢀon is not made, check your sources to make sure the MLs and
the transmiꢁer are set for the same source; your device should not be set on mute. Be certain the MLs
were not inadvertently muted from the remote control.
You should now be able to control the ML volume with both the device and the remote control. If you
would like to use only one device to control audio volume, turn the volume to the highest seꢂngs on the
device you do not want to use. This will give you full audio range. For instance, turning your computer
volume to full will allow the MusicLites remote to control volume for the full capability of the MLs and
your computer.
How do you connect the Universal Transmiꢂer to a television or receiver?
Make sure the house code is set to the proper code (default is 0). If not, take the screwdriver provided
and turn to the correct house code.
Decide what source you want it to play as. There is a sliding switch with 3 posiꢀons on the side of the
transmiꢁer. Slide it to S1, S2 or S3.
Plug one end of the power adapter provided into the DC port of the Toslink and the other end into the
wall outlet. The Universal transmiꢁer will not work without power. The red indicator should light up to
indicate that power is established. Then connect the opꢀcal cable into the Opt Port of the transmiꢁer and
connect to the television or receiver output. You will need to consult with your owner’s manual to make
sure you are uꢀlizing the correct port of the television or receiver.
Make sure the MLs that you want to play are turned on (see ML set-up secꢀon for details). Use the
remote to make sure the MLs are looking to play from the source 1, 2 or 3 you picked (again, check the
ML set-up secꢀon for how to do this).
There should be no need to check your output device since the connector of the Toslink plugged into
your device will automaꢀcally divert the audio signal to the transmiꢁer. If it does not check to make sure
everything connecꢀon is ꢀght.
Pick something with audio to play and start it. The light on the transmiꢁer should begin to blink between
red and blue as it searches for synchronizaꢀon with the MLs.
When synchronizaꢀon is made, the light will be blue. The MLs will also have a blue light that will light
up momentarily as it receives the signal. The MLs should begin playing. You can use your device to set
audio levels for the MLs. You should not need to adjust bass, treble, etc. and you will want to remove any
exisꢀng EQ or tone seꢂngs. If synchronizaꢀon is not made, you may need to check with your sources to
make sure the MLs and the transmiꢁer are set for the same source. Also, make sure your device is not set
on mute. You may also want to check the MLs to make sure they were not inadvertently muted from the
remote control.
You should now be able to control the audio volume with both the device and the remote control. If you
would like to use only one device to control audio volume, turn the volume to the highest seꢂngs on the
device you do not want to use. This will give you full audio range. For instance, turning your computer
volume to 100% will allow the MusicLites remote to control volume for the full capability of the MLs and
your computer.
Other Accessories
Trim rings for recessed can fixtures are available through your dealer or you can request through the Musi-
cLites.com web site. You can also purchase trim rings at any DIY store. Halo 301-P is available and works with
MusicLites units and most 4 and 6 inch recessed cans.
Should your recessed can have a tapered ring or housing, it could prevent the ML from reaching the socket.
There are three possible opꢀons to remedy this problem:
(1) Remove the trim ring and replace it with ours or go to a DIY and buy the 301P Halo ring.
(2) Buy a socket extender at a DIY for roughly $3
(3) Adjust the socket in the recessed can up or down.
If you lose your remote control, contact MusicLites at our website or 888-757-5001.
More accessories will be available throughout 2011. Stay tuned to
1.25 lbs
Recessed Can Applicaꢀons
Lamp Socket Connecꢀon
Driver Complement
Frequency Response
Bass Response
4”, 5”, 6”
3.8” diameter x 5.2” height
E26/24 Medium Screw Base
12 W @ 6 ohm at < ½% frequency response
70 mm full range high fidelity speaker
100Hz - 20kHz ± 3dB
Class D, 85% efficiency
Signal Processing
Digital equalizaꢀon with bass enhancement down to
8 X White 1W LEDs
500 lumens
Color Temperature
3000 K
Via remote
Lighꢀng Output
Transmission System
Number of Sources
Proprietary 2.4GHz wireless
3 per house
1) USB
2) 30 pin Apple connector with lithium baꢁery and
charge power adapter
3) Toslink with power adapter and miniphone jack
Number of Zones
Number of House Codes
Audio Mode
Wireless Range
Remote Control
200’ Line-of-Sight, 50’ w/ Obstrucꢀons
Volume control + and -
Light ON/OFF
Dimming + and -
Zone 1-5
House code select 0-9
Only Light On Capability
Sound On Capability
Input Voltage
AC 100V~120V, 0.5A/60Hz
Standby Consumpꢀon
Power Raꢀng
17W with light and audio at full
Thermal fuse with automaꢀc reset
Max ambient condiꢀon
Min ambient condiꢀon
Rated for damp environment
UL Standard 1993/8750
ANSI/UL Standard 60065
35 C°
minus 20 C°
CAN/CSA Standard C22.2 no.
FCC Rules – part 15J
RoHS compliant
Product Life and
Working Life
25,000 hours
1 year from original date of purchase
Manual Part Number: DQ4-144-398 Rev. A 04/12/2011
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