Multiclip PRO 51 S
A professional self-propelled lawnmower with the effective Multi-
clip system.
The Multiclip system cuts and fertilises the lawn. It also makes the
lawnmower quieter. You don’t need to rake or empty a collector.
You cut the grass about 30 % faster compared to collecting.
The lawnmower is designed for professionals and others who
want the best. Professional features are for example, low vibra-
tions which means that you can work a full day without white fin-
gers, a very sturdy design with deck and wheels in aluminium (20
years warranty)*, adjustable handle for cutting close to walls, cen-
tral height adjustment and friction blade holder that protects the
engine if you hit solid objects.
The noise effect is very low, < 92 dB(A). A reduction of 3 dB(A)
reduces the noise by half.
Equipped with an environment friendly 6,0 hp motor. Cutting
width is 51 cm.
Certified with the SVAN label as an environment friendly option.
July 4, 2005
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